Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of these intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate from those of competitors. A brand identifies the retailer or producer and it is a retailer’s or seller’s promise to deliver a specific set of features, benefits and services constantly to the consumers. A brand is a complex symbol and the best brands suggest an assurance of quality. The challenge of branding is to create a strong positive association for the brand. A retailer must consider several dimensions of brand and should decide which dimensions that should be associated with brand’s identity.
Retail brands are gaining more popularity among the consumers because of the close relationship between the retailer and the consumers. Retailing is transforming to a new phase and it is moving up in the ladder for the past one decade. Also it provides a good platform for huge business opportunities to entrepreneurs, domestic and foreign players. Consumers are also nowadays becoming more and more brand conscious and they are much concerned about the brands they use and the store where they do their purchase.
Retailers are aiming to grow, diversify and introduce new formats have to pay more attention to the brand-building process. The emphasis here is on retail as a brand rather than retailers selling brand. The focus should be on branding the retail business itself. To face the stiff competition, retailers must come to recognise the value of building their own store as brands to reinforce their store positioning to communicate quality as well as value for money. Sustainable competitive advantage will be dependent on translating core values combining products, images and reputation in to a coherent retail brand strategy.
The first part of this course presents the development and implications of modern retail branding, through considering four main issues. We begin with an examination of the retailer’s identity and the scope for differentiation in an increasingly crowded marketplace. This sets the scene for a review of retail product brands, followed by a discussion of the emergence of retail store branding and corporate branding. The final section of this part examines contemporary issues in retail branding.
The second part discusses the importance of branding. Then we explain how to make your business memorable. Also, we discuss the steps to build brand power, followed by the techniques you could use to maximise your brand potential.
By the end of this course, you will be able to understand:
- What is meant by retail branding?
- The retailer’s identity
- The six facets of the identity prism
- Retail product brands
- Retailers as brands
- Retail branding: contemporary issues
- Brand dimensions
- Why a retail organisation will have to ensure that its own brand includes the characteristics of product brands?
- Retail branding Vs product branding
- Retail brand strategy development
- The conceptual model of retail branding
- How to make your business memorable?
- How to cash in with a strong brand?
- How to make your business your brand?
- The meaning of brand associations
- The most common brand associations and the reactions they elicit from customers
- How to clearly define your brand?
- The steps to build brand power
- How to find a niche and become an expert?
- The importance of understanding who your customer is
- Creating a logo and owning a word or phrase
- Creating trade dressing
- Why provide consistency?
- How to protect your brand?
The typical duration of this course is approximately 2-3 hours to complete. Your enrolment is Valid for 12 Months. Start anytime and study at your own pace.
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