Human resource planning is the process (including forecasting, developing and controlling) by which an organisation ensures that it has the right number of people and the right kind of people at the right places at the right time doing work for which they are economically most useful.
HR planning is a highly important and useful activity. Without clear-cut planning, an estimation of the organisation’s human resource needs is reduced to mere guesswork. If used properly, it offers a number of benefits.
Failure in HR planning will be a limiting factor in achieving the objectives of the organisation. If the number of persons in an organisation is less than the number of persons required, then, there will be disruptions in the work—production will be hampered, the pace of production will be slow and the employees burdened with more work.
If on the other hand, there is surplus manpower in the organisation, there will be unnecessary financial burden on the organisation in the form of a large pay bill if employees are retained in the organisation, or if they are terminated the compensation will have to be paid to the retrenched employees.
Therefore, it is necessary to have only the adequate number of persons to attain the objectives of the organisation. In order to achieve the objectives of the organisation, the HR planner should mind the timing and scheduling of HR planning.
The first part of this course explains the objectives of human resource management and the importance role of HRM. Then discusses the evolving role of HR. Also the HR audit, its needs, scope and process is examined.
The second part defines human resource planning. Then discusses the process and objectives of human resource planning. Then examines the job analysis and description. Also the recruitment policy and process is reviewed. In addition, the various sources of recruitment and selection procedures are explained. Finally, we discuss the steps in the selection procedure, placement and the types of induction programs.
By the end of this course, you will be able to understand:
· What is HRM?
· The objectives of HRM
· The scope of HRM
· The importance of HRM
· How HRM can help an enterprise in achieving its goals more efficiently and effectively?
· How HRM contributes to professional growth?
· How society is the major beneficiary of good human resource practices?
· The changing role of HRM
· The operative and managerial functions of personnel management
· The personnel management policies
· The role of a personnel manager
· The functions of a personnel manager
· How to organise the HR department?
· The HRM model
· The importance and need for proper staffing
· The most critical aspects of HRM
· The environmental influence on HRM
· The HR audit and its objectives
· The benefits of HR audit
· The scope of HR audit
· The HR audit process
· The HR audit report and what it includes
· What is HR planning?
· The characteristics of human resource planning
· The objectives of HR planning
· The importance of HR planning
· The process of HR planning
· The strategies for HR planning
· The benefits of manpower planners
· The advantages of HR planning programs
· How to make HR planning effective?
· The job analysis and its uses
· The job description and its advantages
· The limitations of job description
· The importance of job specification
· The internal and external sources of recruitment
· The merits and demerits of internal sources of recruitment
· The merits and demerits of external sources of recruitment
· The recruitment policy and the essentials of policy formation
· The conditions necessary for a good recruitment policy
· The selection process
· The steps in selection procedure
· The placement process
· The problems of placement
· The induction program
· The need for orientation
· The steps in the induction program
· The content of the induction program
· The types of induction programs
The typical duration of this course is approximately 3-4 hours to complete. Your enrolment is Valid for 12 Months. Start anytime and study at your own pace.
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