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Teaching Adults with Learning Difficulties

Teaching Adults with Learning Difficulties

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A person with a learning difficulty may be described as having specific problems processing certain forms of information.

Distinguishing between learning difficulties and learning disabilities is quite a complex issue. A learning difficulty does not affect general intelligence, whereas a learning disability is linked to an overall cognitive impairment. An individual may often have more than one specific learning difficulty, and other conditions may also be experienced alongside each other.

There are many reasons why an adult may struggle to learn. The generic term “Learning Difficulties” refers to the students who exhibit problems acquiring academic skills as a consequence of a range of causes. Students may also display learning difficulties if they have not been provided with appropriate educational opportunities or have received ineffective instruction in the classroom. Individuals with a primary difficulty in maintaining attention and concentration are also likely to show weaknesses in academic achievement due to their difficulties in attending to the learning environment.

The term 'Learning Difficulties' most often refers to difficulties in learning to read and write, but is also applied in other areas of learning, including mathematics. Learning difficulties can be caused by external factors (family, communities, opportunities and inadequate environmental experiences) and are considered temporary.

Internal factors (intellectual disability, neurological, physical or sensory impairment), are intrinsic to the individual, can cause a person to learn differently, are usually life-long, and are usually considered a learning disability, on the other hand, result from internal neurological factors; they are innate or acquired and permanent.

Effective educational intervention will improve basic academic skills such as Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN), and will result in an improvement in the individual's academic achievement levels.

This course provides trainers/teachers with many effective teaching strategies that will help you deal with a large number of adult learning problems.

The first section of this courses starts by helping trainers and teachers identify learning problems related to English (Reading and Writing), and suggests teaching strategies for intervention. Then offers teaching strategies to help adult learners with difficulties associated with Numeracy (Reading and Writing), to understand and learn mathematics that are essential competencies and because the difficulties experienced by adults are frequent in this area. Finally, provides teaching strategies to help adult learners complete their assignments. The difficulties experienced by adult learners in this area are sufficiently numerous.

The second section starts by offering possible solutions to deal with learning problems associated with attention deficits. Then offers teaching strategies to improve the memory of adult learners. Then offers strategies to improve the students' understanding of verbal messages. Also, offers strategies for developing concepts, and detecting and correcting, if possible, deficiencies among adult learners in the area of motor skills. Then examines the ways that could help teachers diagnose the problems with learner perception, and how to intervene appropriately. Finally, provides various ways of evaluating the competencies of the adult learners in the area of planning and executing a task.


By the end of this course, you will learn many teaching strategies that will help you deal with the following problems:

  • The adult learner reads in syllables
  • The adult learner reads hesitantly and without expression
  • The adult learner does not understand the meaning and use of punctuation
  • The adult learner does not understand the meaning of certain words
  • The adult learner deciphers the text being read, but does not understand the meaning
  • The adult learner has difficulties with certain sounds
  • The adult learner forgets some segments at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of sentences
  • The adult learner cannot write a text of a few sentences when writing freely or from dictation
  • The adult learner has problems with: adding or omitting words; substituting or repeating words in a sentence; or forgetting parts of sentences or complete sentences
  • The adult learner has spelling or/and grammar problems
  • The adult learner has difficulties summarising a text or with the coherence of ideas
  • The adult learner has problems reading numbers.
  • The adult learner does not know the place value of digits in a number in terms of ones, tens or hundreds
  • The adult learner deciphers the text being read, but does not understand the meaning
  • The adult learner has not mastered the concept of the position of a digit in a decimal number
  • The adult cannot make the link between a text and the mathematical language associated with it
  • The adult learner has problems writing numbers
  • The adult learner has not mastered the four basic operations
  • The adult learner has difficulty solving problems related to the activities of daily life
  • The adult has not sufficiently mastered mental calculations
  • The adult has not mastered the concepts related to fractions
  • The adult learner makes errors orienting in space
  • The adult learner shows signs of hypertonia or hypotonia
  • The adult learner works too slowly
  • The adult learner works in a disorganised way
  • The adult learner has poor handwriting
  • The adult learner shows evidence of the smudging problems associated with left-handed people
  • The mathematical writing of the adult learner is disorganised and chaotic
  • The adult learner writes mathematical symbols without observing the conventions
  • The adult learner shows signs of fatigue
  • The adult learner has attention problems
  • The adult learner has concentration problems
  • The adult learner tires mentally in learning situations
  • The adult learner has problems with short-term memory or long-term memory
  • The adult learner has problems with the encoding and retention of information
  • The adult learner has problems related to recalling information
  • The adult learner has a limited vocabulary
  • The adult learner has problems distinguishing certain sounds and certain words
  • The adult learner has difficulty following instructions
  • The adult learner has difficulty following and understanding a conversation or a presentation
  • The adult learner has difficulties distinguishing between a serious message and a joke
  • The adult learner cannot decipher nonverbal language
  • The adult learners have problems with pronunciation, articulation or stuttering.
  • The adult learner has difficulty formulating a coherent message
  • The adult learner has difficulty participating actively and logically in a conversation
  • The adult learner lacks vocabulary
  • The adult learner makes errors in syntax
  • The adult learner uses incorrect borrowings from another language
  • The adult has not learned the basics of doing an oral presentation in class
  • The adult learner has problems with perception and/or discrimination
  • The adult learner has problems organising him- or herself with respect to learning
  • The adult learner has difficulty checking the work he or she has done
  • The adult learner has to make a great deal of effort to correct his or her work
  • The adult learner has trouble putting into practice the recommendations received
  • The adult learner has not adopted the internalised language needed to regulate his or her conduct
  • The adult learner is impulsive or apathetic
  • The adult learner lacks problem-solving strategies


The typical duration of this course is approximately 3-4 hours to complete. Your enrolment is Valid for 12 Months. Start anytime and study at your own pace.


You must have access to a computer or any mobile device with Adobe Acrobat Reader (free PDF Viewer) installed, to complete this course.


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Upon course completion, you will receive a customised digital “Certificate of Completion”.