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The Information Management Function

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The role of information is so important that there is a new function emerging – the Information Management Function. This function is concerned with all aspects of managing information within organisations. However, the growth in the use of information technology (IT) has meant that many people confuse information management with the management of information technology.

It is a popular misconception that information management is only concerned with information technology management. Over the last four decades, the rapid expansion in the use of IT has created a raft of management concerns with respect to the use of this new technology. While it is true that some of these concerns form part of the IM agenda, there is a plethora of wider issues concerned with managing broader information resources which transcend the narrow focus on simple technology management.

The information management function has responsibility for maintaining expertise sufficient to assist individuals, groups and other functions in their information management to provide integration across the organisation and build and maintain the corporate information infrastructures necessary for integrated information processes. The same concept can be observed in other functions.

An organisation must build, maintain and rebuild its business processes and information systems. Every business function has a role in these activities. However, the information management function has a more active role because many of the processes and systems incorporate information technology.

This course explains the diversity and changing nature of managing the information management function and the need for an information management function within modern organisations. This includes how the IM function has evolved, key challenges and concepts as well as the potential impact of future developments. Distinction is made between information management and managing information technology. The course also addresses the influence of organisational structure and culture on the IM function. Finally, the course lays out some critical developments that will help to shape future directions for information management.


By the end of this course, you will be able to understand:

  • What is meant by information management?
  • How information is managed in modern organisations?
  • Why is there a need for an information management function?
  • The history of information and communication technology ICT management
  • The main generic benefits of ICT
  • The key challenges for the information management function
  • The key issues which continue to occupy the attention of the information management function
  • The key concepts in information management
  • The challenge of aligning organisational goals with appropriate ICT investments
  • Nolan’s six stage model
  • The characteristics of the organisational stages when implementing a new information system
  • The categories of the applications portfolio concept
  • Parsons conceptual framework
  • The knowledge management systems
  • The challenge of knowledge management
  • How to organise and lead the information technology function?
  • How to organise issues in IT development?
  • The implications of introducing a new technology
  • The pressures toward user dominance
  • The pent-up user demand
  • The importance of staff professional growth
  • The competitive and service growth in the IT market
  • The pressures towards IT control
  • The corporate database strategy
  • The cost analysis
  • The coordination and location of IT policy
  • The tasks that constitute the central core of IT responsibilities
  • User responsibilities of IT service
  • General management support and policy overview
  • The key responsibilities of a corporate IT policy group


The typical duration of this course is approximately 2-3 hours to complete. Your enrolment is Valid for 12 Months. Start anytime and study at your own pace.


You must have access to a computer or any mobile device with Adobe Acrobat Reader (free PDF Viewer) installed, to complete this course.


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A simple 10-question true or false quiz with Unlimited Submission Attempts.


Upon course completion, you will receive a customised digital “Certificate of Completion”.