Everyone is afraid of something. From the moment of birth, humans can experience fear. Almost all new-born babies are terrified by loud noises and seem to dread falling, even if they have never been dropped. They get over these fears as they grow, but they pick up new ones on their journey through childhood. Studies have shown that 40 percent of kids can name something that terrifies them. By the time they become adults, 17 percent of people still cling to at least one fear.
A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes an individual to experience extreme, irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place, or object. When a person has a phobia, they will often shape their lives to avoid what they consider to be dangerous. The imagined threat is greater than any actual threat posed by the cause of terror. Phobias are diagnosable mental disorders. The person will experience intense distress when faced with the source of their phobia. This can prevent them from functioning normally and sometimes leads to panic attacks.
Phobias can strike anyone at any time. No one is immune. Certain types of phobias are more common at certain ages or in certain stages of life, but all phobias are unpredictable phenomena. Phobic reactions are far worse than the kind of fear people experience riding a roller coaster or watching a scary movie. They involve panic so extreme that the person has no control over it.
People with phobias describe fainting, throwing up, sweating, clenching their hands, being unable to breathe, and feeling like they are having a heart attack or dying. The experience is as scary and senseless to them as the thing that set off the phobia. Phobics usually realise that their fear is not reasonable, but this gives them no control over it.
This course is designed to help you understand phobias. The first part explains what phobia is, then explores who gets phobias. Also, discusses the many different types of phobias and the common triggers of phobias.
The second part explains how people live with a phobia. The development of phobias is also explored. Then discusses the possible treatment of phobias and the difference between phobia and fear.
By the end of this course, you will be able to understand:
- What is a phobia?
- How phobias change lives?
- The specific or simple phobias
- What triggers a phobia?
- The fear of situations
- The fear of natural phenomena
- The fear of illness
- Social phobias
- The fear of being afraid
- Who gets phobias?
- Fairy tales and phobias
- The development of phobias
- The fear of people
- The fear of everything
- What is Agoraphobia?
- The common triggers of phobia
- Living with a phobia
- The signs of phobias
- The faces and signs of fear
- The fear everywhere phobia
- How to help the distressed?
- Treating a phobia
- How phobias are misunderstood?
- The medication for phobias?
- he cognitive therapy for phobias
- The behavioural therapy for phobias
- The obstacles to phobia treatment
- The cost of phobias
- Names and meanings of other strange types of phobias
- The relationship between phobias and age
- The Triskadekaphobia
- Diagnosing phobia
- The difference between phobia and fear
The typical duration of this course is approximately 2-3 hours to complete. Your enrolment is Valid for 12 Months. Start anytime and study at your own pace.
You must have access to a computer or any mobile device with Adobe Acrobat Reader (free PDF Viewer) installed, to complete this course.
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